Lake Tenkiller Journal #3
6/12/05 - I will not wakeboard this year - unknown
6/11/05 - We arrived safely. No skiing on Saturday - Jenny, Jerry, Baylie, Mollie / we are on spot 45 & Lee, Travis and Rebekah are on spot 43 - Jerry
Ron and I are here. Ron and Lee arrived at 7am on Saturday and claimed our spots. We are making a Wal-mart list and going to Tahlequah soon. - Kat
Oh Boy. There's nothing like getting to the lake on "Snider-time", 12+ hours. We did have AC, so that was a definite plus. We (Trav & I) left Lake Charles at 10am Saturday and met Melissa and Hope in Lafayette. Thus began the longest trip to the lake in recent memory. Melissa's car , God bless it, was an extreme trooper in making the drive despite its current problems (which are still being diagnosed by Dad & Jerry). We had to give it a little extra TLC, refilling the radiator w/ water every 2 hours. And then Melissa called and said, "We can't stop, I'm afraid my car will stall." Travis and I had just made a wrong turn. So we're like, "Oh, how are we going to turn around w/o stopping?" We ended up doing - well, Melissa did a u-turn and we caught up to her. (I don't know if this makes had to be there...) We ended up taking the wrong road but we found I-40 nonetheless. By this time it's dark, and I've never arrived at the lake in the dark. We stopped in Sallisaw even though Melissa didn't want to. I thought it would be better to be broken down at a gas station in Sallisaw than in the hills on the way to Cookson w/ no cell phone (what did we do w/o cell phones!?!). So we stopped. The radiator was steaming like warm breath on a cool night. HAHA. We quenched its thirst, the car restarted, and we called mom. We said, "If we're not there in an hour, come looking for us." But we made it! We got to the cabins at about 10:15pm and came up to the camp shortly after to be greeted by J&J&B&M. Lee was sleeping when we got here so we just snuck into his tent and slept there for the night. It's great to be here. And it's great to be a married woman! Yep, I am no longer a Snider, but a Leger. And my in-laws are here for their Tenkiller baptism. They'll sign in later. That's it. It's a beautiful day, and I look forward to a b-e-a-utiful week! - Rebekah Snider Leger
6/12/05, 8am
Howdy! Great sunny day today. Got up on slalom this morning. Yeah! Having a great time. The pop-up trailer with AC is AWESOME! Gettin' ready to play wahoo. Let the games begin. - Jenny
6/12/05, 8:50pm
We made it :)! Barry, Christopher, Daniel and I (Brenda) got to come to the lake to vacation with the Sniders and families. We drove all night so that we could spend more time with all. We are tired, but it was worth it. This place is peaceful and pretty. It's amazing to see all of the gadgets that Jerry comes out with, he's a true camper. We finally got to meet Lee, we're glad :). I can't wait to watch them skiing, I heard they were awesome. Dan tried to ski tonite, I think he almost got up; maybe tomorrow. I think its time to shower & call it a night - till next time. Peace Out! - Brenda (Rebekah's mother-in-law)
All I have to say about today is bunkem squint. - Kathy
WAHOO.....I WON - Jenny :)
6/13/05 Jerry's 31st Birthday!
We sang Happy B-Day at breakfast & after lunch with cake (mom made) & ice cream (blue bell mint choc. chip). Skied all day. Went to Princess for dinner...all 13 of us. Now...thuderstorms are comin' in and Jerry, Lee & I are toughin' out at the campsite in the pop-up. Everyone else bailed out to the cabins. Don't blame them a bit. Ok..wahoo time. - Jenny
We are bailing out to the cabins. Wind is shakin' our trailer.
I remember that storm well, I thought the wind was going to turn us over on our side. I also remember that storm was the reason why I said to myself we need a full size travel trailer if we are going to come to the lake in June. I do like though how Jenny had enough time to write in the journal that we were leaving for the cabins. If I remember correctly, we felt like we were in a tornado the way the wind was tossing the walls of that pop-up around.
I hope you are all enjoying these passages from the past; I know I am.